Schneider StruxureWare Data Center Expert
StruxureWare Data Center Expert is a vendor-neutral, scalable monitoring software which collects, organizes, and distributes critical alerts, surveillance video and key information, providing a unified view of complex physical infrastructure environments from anywhere on the network
StruxureWare provides an efficient way for organizations to monitor their company-wide multi-vendor physical infrastructure: power, cooling, security, and environment. Real-time monitoring, user-defined reports and graphs, and instant fault notification and escalation enable quick assessment and resolution of critical infrastructure events that can adversely affect IT system availability. This centralized repository of critical information can be accessed by multiple users from anywhere on the network, creating a consolidated view of the physical data center infrastructure. This open and flexible architecture expands with changing business needs through additional device licenses, add-on surveillance, capacity management and change management modules, and through integration with enterprise and building management systems.
Schneider StruxureWare Data Center Operation
StruxureWare Data Center Operation provides an instant overview of data center operations through inventory management, PUE calculator, real-time device alarms, and location-based drill-down.
Enables vendor-agnostic inventory management with real-time device failures and data shown within your data center physical layout, as well as recommendations on how to resolve issues. A location-based drill-down view provides a structured overview of data center locations, from a global to local view down to single assets. The Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) calculator supplies information on daily utilization of energy. For instant updates on the go Data Center Operation: Mobile provides access to StruxureWare Data Center Operation information via handheld. StruxureWare Data Center Operation is available as an Enterprise or a Co-location base application. The Co-location application provides additional space and cage management, integrated tenant billing and reporting capabilities.